Dear Editor,
The article entitled “Peek-A-Boo Method Could Revolutionize Patient Engagement” was thoughtful and insightful. Although the Peek-A-Boo initiative is well thought out, it would not be appropriate for our medical system, Quiet Light Memorial Hospital. We take pride in not making noise to startle our patients. We shine a bright 1,000,000 lumen light source at our patients to quietly awaken them. This is in keeping with our name Quiet Light and our mission: To illuminate the healthcare of our patients. In reference to childhood development, most of us were introduced to light when we were born into the world. Light is an early experience. We will continue to create a quieter experience for our patients.
Best of luck with your initiatives.
Susanne Patience Lightstrom, RN, BSN, MHA
Quiet Light Memorial Hospital
Boise, ID