Dear Editor,
The article “Gifted Infant Won’t Stop Saying, ‘Hun Yo’ Mouf !’” has me rooting for Brainey. As a pediatrician I think it’s okay for Brainey to say what he wants. I don’t believe he is in a vocabulary slump. He doesn't have to say words like supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. His vocabulary is already phenomenal. I mean look at how many words he's had in his brain -- 5,000 – as a 12-month-old, that's insane.
Let me put it this way:
I know that telling people to be quiet might be rude But sometimes you gotta “Hun Yo Mouf” dude If somebody steps into your personal space And they got they grill up in yo’ face You gotta stand up to them without a doubt
Don’t be physical but tell ‘em “Hun Yo Mouf!”
Brainey, you are doing just fine.
Anthony Clifford Stone
Pediatrician and contributor
Journal of Medial Rap